There were three invited talks at the 10th edition of IWCIA.  Vladimir Kovalevsky (Berlin) reviewed his work on algorithms in digital geometry based on cellular topology.  Akira Nakamura (Hiroshima) talked on magnification in digital topology, and his lecture was dedicated to the late Professor Azriel Rosenfeld, who was his collaborator on this subject.  Maurice Nivat (Paris) solved a tomographical problem (``Binary matrices under the microscope'').  This Alberto Del Lungo memorial lecture was coauthored by Andrea Frosini (Siena).


There were 55 accepted papers at IWCIA'04 (out of 88 submissions).  Just to cite a few for illustrating subjects at the meeting:  John Pfaltz (the first PhD student of Azriel Rosenfeld) defined and analyzed Jordan surfaces in discrete antimatroid topologies; C.O. Kiselman spoke on convex functions on discrete sets; A. Imiya illustrated the use of curvature flow for thinning; I. Boukhriss informed on two-dimensional discrete morphing; T.Y. Kong analyzed minimal non-simple sets in 4-dimensional binary images with (8,80)- adjacency; S. Fourey's talk was on simple points and generic axiomatized digital surface-structures; S. Alayrangues informed on the equivalence between regular n-G-maps and n-surfaces; and I. Sivignon showed recent results on discrete surface segmentation into discrete planes.  Altogether there were 36 talks and 22 posters at IWCIA'04 (poster presentations also included a 3 min talk). The main focus of the meeting was on digital topology or geometry (often on algorithmic aspects of particular problems), and on combinatorial issues in imaging. There were a few contributions discussing theory also in closer contact to applications of image analysis or computer vision.


The proceedings (edited by the co-chairs of the meeting, Reinhard Klette and Jovisa Zunic) are published as volume 3322 in Springer's LNCS series.


The IWCIA'04 conference events started with a pre-conference boat trip to Waiheke Island. The trip included a bus tour on Waiheke island and a lunch at "Stonyridge" (one of the island's wineyards).  That evening, the conference reception was at the Computer Science building of The University of Auckland (city campus).  The conference took place at CITR at the Tamaki campus.  The conference excursion and dinner took place on Thursday, December 2, 2004, with a wine tasting, a visit of the wild west coast at Muriwai, and dinner at Markovina vineyard, including a show of the Cook Island Dancers. There were no complaints about the meeting's social activities!


The 11th edition of IWCIA is planed to be in May 2006 at Humboldt University, Berlin/Germany, co-chaired by Ralf Reulke (Humboldt), Ulrich Eckhardt (Hamburg University) and Konrad Polthier (Zuse Institute, Berlin).

Workshop Report:  IWCIA 2004

Program Chairs/Principal Organizers:

Reinhard Klette

Jovisa Zunic

Text Box: 10th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis
1-3 December 2004, Aukland, New Zealand
Report prepared by:  Reinhard Klette
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