IbPRIA 2005 gathered together 180 researchers from 38 countries working in the areas of Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. The conference was held at Estoril, Portugal, a nice village by the sea close to Lisbon. IbPRIA 2005 is the second of a series of conferences jointly organized every two years by the Portuguese and Spanish Associations for Pattern Recognition (APRP and AERFAI) with the support of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
The conference was organized in a single track format with 30 oral presentations and 141 poster presentations, covering a large number of areas including video surveillance, face recognition, biometrics, object tracking, computer vision, medical imaging, natural language analysis and pattern recognition.
The presented papers were selected by an international program committee out of 292 full paper submissions . This resulted in a scientific program of very high quality, which allowed stimulating discussions among all the participants in a very active and friendly atmosphere. The conference proceedings were published by Springer Verlag in LNCS series (vol. 3522, 3523).
The program included three invited talks from leading experts in the fields. On the first day, Prof. David Lowe presented an excellent overview on “Image Matching and Recognition from Invariant Local Features” with a live demo showing the ability to recognize different types of objects and even members of the audience in different positions using low level features. The second invited talk was presented by Prof. Wiro Niessen who presented the state of the art in computer aided surgery entitled “Image guided interventions: The glass patient" showing impressive results from his own activity. Finally Prof. Isidore Rigoutsos presented a stimulating talk on recent advances in bioinformatics and the discovery of patterns in the human genetic code under the title of “Understanding biological systems with the help of pattern discovery methods”.
The best paper award was selected by a jury led by Prof. Horst Bunke. The award was given to the paper “A Framework to Integrate Particle Filters for Robust Tracking in Non-stationary Environments” by F. Moreno-Noguer and A. Sanfeliu. The prize was delivered by the President of IAPR Prof. Walter Kropatsch during the conference diner.
The next edition of IbPRIA will be organized in Girona, Spain, in June 2007. We wish the organizers a successful event.