HIP 2005 brought together twenty-six researchers, engineers, and business people interested in technologies to protect networked services from abuse by programs (bots, spiders, phishers, etc.) masquerading as legitimate human users.
Attendees participated in an intensive day and a half of plenary talks, panels, and group discussions, sharing the state of the art and identifying urgent open problems. Nine regular papers (published in the refereed, on-site, 141-page, hardcopy proceedings) established the framework of discussion which embraced three broad topics: ¨ Performance Analysis of HIPs and CAPTCHAs ¨ HIP Architectures ¨ HIPs within Security Systems Three working groups delved into the topics of "Evaluation Methodologies for HIPs," "Assuring High Performance in HIPs," and "Present and Future HIP Technologies."
Dr. Patrice Simard of Microsoft Research presented an invited talk on "HIP Design: Synthesis, Analysis, and Usability." At the workshop banquet, Dr. Andrei Broder of IBM Research gave the Keynote Address on "The Story Behind Patent No. 6,195,698 (the First CAPTCHA)."
Complete lists of the participants and the regular papers, details of the program, and slides of some of the talks are available at the workshop website: www.cse.lehigh.edu/prr/hip2005. Summaries of the working group discussions will be posted there soon.
The workshop was organized by Professors Henry Baird and Daniel Lopresti of the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Lehigh University. Local arrangements at Lehigh were assisted by Jeanne Steinberg, Michael Moll, Matt Casey, Don Delorenzo, Sui-Yu Wang, Tim Penge, and Derek Drake.
The workshop was endorsed by the IAPR and benefited from generous support by Microsoft Corporation. |
HIP 2005 Proceedings are available from Springer-Verlag
H. S. Baird and D. P. Lopresti (Eds.), Proceedings, 2nd Int'l Workshop on Human Interactive Proofs (HIP2005), Bethlehem, PA, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, LNCS Vol. No. 3517, Berlin, 2005. [ISBN-10 3-540-26001-3]. |