The 27th Annual meeting of the German Association for Pattern Recognition was hosted by the Vienna University of Technology, nicely located in the center of Vienna. It was organized by the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (PRIP) Group, co-chaired by IAPR President Walter Kropatsch and Robert Sablatnig.
Originally founded as a national forum for pattern recognition, the decision was made several years ago in favour of English as the conference language and for submissions. As a result, more and more researchers have been attracted world-wide, turning the annual meeting into an internationally recognized event. This year, about 150 attendees came from 15 different countries. The conference received generous support from 6 sponsors. Proceedings have been published in Springer's Lecture Notes of Computer Science Series (Vol. 3663).
This year's scientific programme was organized into sessions devoted to color analysis, stereo vision, segmentation and grouping, 3D view registration and surface modeling, motion and tracking, computational learning, uncertainty and robustness, and applications. The high-quality contributions reflect the prevailing importance of statistical pattern recognition for the performance of systems for image analysis and computer vision in uncertain environments, and the growing overlap of these fields with recent developments in machine learning. The programme was complemented with a special session on automatic speech understanding, in honor of the IAPR Fellow Professor emeritus Heinrich Niemann and his scientific achievements over three decades in the fields of statistical pattern recognition, computer vision, speech understanding, medical imaging, and knowledge-based pattern analysis.
Three invited lectures were given. Vaclav Hlacav (TU Prague) presented an overview of ongoing research at the Center for Machine Perception headed by himself. Jan P. Allebach (Purdue University) discussed challenging basic and applied research problems related to image quality and document imaging. And, Sven Dickinson (University of Toronto) presented a lucid survey of the multi-faceted problem area of visual object recognition.
The Olympus-prize 2005 was award in equal parts to Michael Felsberg (Linkoeping University) for his contributions to multidimensional signal processing, and to Volker Roth (ETH Zurich) for his comprehensive approach to unsupervised image segmentation. The DAGM best-paper was awarded to Bodo Rosenhahn (University of Auckland), Uwe G. Kersting, Andrew W. Smith, Jason K. Gurney, Thomas Brox, Reinhard Klette for their contribution ``A System for Marker-less Human Motion Estimation''.
Needless to say that the beautiful environment of Vienna had no detrimental consequences for the attendees. Throughout the conference, there was a communicative and friendly atmosphere, last but not least due to the very effective and helpful local organisation. This considerably raised the standard for the next meeting to be held in Berlin 2006 ( and for the 2007 meeting in Heidelberg. |
The DAGM Best-paper award is given to Bodo Rosenhahn and co-authors by IAPR-President Prof. W.G. Kropatsch and Prof. R. Sablatnig for the contribution: "A System for Marker-less Human Motion Estimation" |