ICPR TC-16 Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Techniques in Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
Call for Participation
By Dr.-Eng. Igor B. Gurevich |
№ 23-VI/2006- IAPR-TC 16 20.06.2006
Dear Colleagues!
Please be informed that Technical Committee 16 (TC 16) “Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Techniques in Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis” of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) is extending the scope of activity. In this connection You are kindly invited to join TC16.
Persons interested are invited to send the information in the following format: name, surname, affiliation, position, degree, phone number, e-mail, mailing address, suggestions on TC16 scope of scientific activity for the years of 2006-2008 (up to 1 page).
The requested information will be presented at TC 16 web-site.
Thank you in advance,
Best regards,
Dr.-Eng. Igor B.Gurevich IAPR Fellow TC 16 Chairman |
Association |
CC RAS, 40, Vavilov str., Moscow, Russia, 119991 |
Tel./ Fax.: 7 (095) 135 90 33; E-mail: igourevi@ccas.ru |