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ICPR 2010 Awards

Congratulations to all ICPR 2010 award winners!


Best Industry-Related Paper

Jorge Moraleda and Jonathan J. Hull

for the 20th ICPR Paper

Toward Massive Scalability in Image Matching


Piero Zamperoni Best Student Paper Award

Xiaojie Guo

for the 20th ICPR Paper

Triangle-Constraint for Finding More Good Features

by Xiaojie Guo, Xiaochun Cao


Best Biometrics Student Paper Award

Worapan Kusakunniran

for the 20th ICPR Paper

Multi-view Gait Recognition Based on Motion Regression using Multilayer Perceptron

by Worapan Kusakunniran, Qiang Wu, Jian Zhang, Hongdong Li


Best Scientific Paper Award:  Computer Vision

Sabine Sternig, Peter M. Roth, and Horst Bischof

for the 20th ICPR paper

Inverse Multiple Instance Learning for Classifier Grids


Best Scientific Paper Award:  Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Young-Beom Lee, Unsang Park, and Anil K. Jain

for the 20th ICPR paper

PILL-ID: Matching and Retrieval of Drug Pill Imprint Images


Best Scientific Paper Award:  Signal, Speech, Image, and Video Processing

Pantelis Bouboulis, Konstantinos Slavakis, and Sergios Theodoridis

for the 20th ICPR paper

Edge Preserving Image Denoising in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces


Best Scientific Paper Award:  Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction

Norman Poh, Josef Kittler, Sebastien Marcel, Driss Matrouf, and Jean-Francois Bonastre

for the 20th ICPR paper

Model and Score Adaptation for Biometric Systems:

Coping With Device Interoperability and Changing Acquisition Conditions


Best Scientific Paper Award:  Multimedia and Document Analysis, Processing, and Retrieval

Andreas Fischer, Andreas Keller, Volkmar Frinken, and Horst Bunke

for the 20th ICPR paper

HMM-BasedWord Spotting in Handwritten Documents Using Subword Models


Best Scientific Paper Award:  Bioinformatics and Biomedical Applications

M. Murat Dundar, Sunil Badve, Vikas C. Raykar, Rohit K. Jain, Olcay Sertel, and Metin N. Gurcan

for the 20th ICPR paper

A Multiple Instance Learning Approach toward Optimal Classi cation of Pathology Slides


IBM Best Student Paper Award:  Computer Vision

Loris Bazzani

for the 20th ICPR paper

Multiple-shot Person Re-identification by HPE signature

by Loris Bazzani, Marco Cristani, Alessandro Perina, Michela Farenzena, and Vittorio Murino


IBM Best Student Paper Award:  Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Robert J. Durrant

for the 20th ICPR paper

A bound on the performance of LDA in randomly projected data spaces

by Robert J. Durrant and Ata Kabán


IBM Best Student Paper Award:  Signal, Speech, Image, and Video Processing

Sunyoung Cho

for the 20th ICPR paper

Adaptive Color Curve Models for Image Matting

by Sunyoung Cho and Hyeran Byun


IBM Best Student Paper Award:  Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction

Ryo Yonetani

for the 20th ICPR paper

Gaze Probing: Event-Based Estimation of Objects Being Focused On

by Ryo Yonetani, Hiroaki Kawashima, Takatsugu Hirayama, and Takashi Matsuyama


IBM Best Student Paper Award: 

Multimedia and Document Analysis, Processing, and Retrieval

Xujun Peng

for the 20th ICPR paper

Text Separation from Mixed Documents Using a Tree-structured Classifier

by Xujun Peng, Srirangaraj Setlur, Venu Govindaraju, and Ramachandrula Sitaram


IBM Best Student Paper Award:  Bioinformatics and Biomedical Applications

Kien Nguyen

for the 20th ICPR paper

Automated Gland Segmentation and Classification for Gleason Grading of Prostate Tissue Images

by Kien Nguyen, Anil K. Jain, and Ronald L. Allen


IAPR Certificate of Appreciation

Herbert Freeman

For his contribution to the writing of the History of the IAPR