

The International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) is an international association of non-profit, scientific or professional organizations (being national, multi-national, or international in scope) concerned with pattern recognition, computer vision, and image processing in a broad sense. Normally, only one organization is admitted from any one country, and individuals interested in taking part in IAPR's activities may do so by joining their national organization.


The aims of IAPR are to promote pattern recognition and the allied branches of engineering together with the related arts and sciences, to advance international co-operation in the field of interest to stimulate research, development, and the application of pattern recognition in science and human activity, to further the dissemination and exchange of information on pattern recognition in the broad sense, and to encourage education in all aspects of the field of interest. In achieving these aims, IAPR fulfills the need for better world-wide communication and increases understanding among practitioners of all nations in the role that machine intelligence can play in accelerating technical and scientific progress.

Technical Committees

Areas of pattern recognition currently represented by technical committees are: Statistical Pattern Recognition, Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence, Biometrics, Computational Forensics, Remote Sensing and Mapping, Machine Vision Applications, Graphics Recognition, Reading Systems, Multimedia and Visual Information Systems, Pattern Recognition in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Signal Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Graph Based Representations, Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Techniques, Discrete Geometry, Cultural Heritage Applications, Bioinformatics.

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