Sergey Ablameyko (Belarus)
Awarded at ICPR1998, Brisbane, Australia
Citation: For contributions to document image analysis and for service to IAPR
Article: "How IAPR helped me to become Rector of the Belarusian National University"
J.K. Aggarwal (USA)
Awarded at ICPR 1996 - Vienna, Austria
Citation: For contributions to computer vision and outstanding leadership of IAPR
Article: "Recognition of Human Activities: A Grand Challenge"
Rama Chellappa (USA)
Awarded at ICPR 1996-Vienna, Austria
Citation: For contributions to theory and applications of Markov Random Fields and computer vision
Article: "Learning from the Pioneers"
Andreas Dengel (Germany)
Awarded at ICPR 2004, Cambridge, UK
Citation: For contributions to document understanding and for service to IAPR.
Article: "Getting to Know...Andreas Dengel, IAPR Fellow"
Robert P. W. Duin (The Netherlands)
Awarded at: ICPR 2002, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Citation: For contributions to statistical pattern recognition and for service to IAPR.
Article: "Personal Sketch"
Masakazu Ejiri (Japan)
Awarded at: ICPR 1996, Vienna, Austria
Citation: For contributions to the development of machine vision technology and for outstanding service to IAPR
Article: "Reminiscences of my Machine Vision Research and IAPR Activities"
Herbert Freeman (USA)
Awarded at ICPR1994, Jerusalem, Israel
Citation: For outstanding contributions in image analysis and map data processing and leadership in the IAPR
Article: "Getting to know...Herbert Freeman, IAPR Fellow"
Walter G. Kropatsch (Austria)
Awarded at ICPR 1994 - Jerusalem, Israel
Citation: For contributions to image processing and remote sensing and service to the IAPR
Article: "How many IAPR Fellows do you know?"
Stefano Levialdi (Italy)
Awarded at ICPR 1994 - Jerusalem, Israel
Citation: For contributions to architectures for parallel image processing and and service to the IAPR
Article: "Getting to know...Stefano Levialdi, IAPR Fellow"
Wenyin Liu
Awarded at ICPR2010, Istanbul, Turkey
Citation: For contributions to graphics recognition, performance evaluation, document analysis, approaches to anti-phishing, and services to IAPR
Article: "From Document Analysis to Anti-Phishing"
Piero Mussio (Italy)
Awarded at ICPR 1998 - Brisbane, Australia
Citation: For contributions to image description and interpretation, and for service to IAPR
Article: "In memoriam: Piero Mussio, IAPR Fellow"
George Nagy (USA)
Awarded at ICPR 1998 - Brisbane, Australia
Citation: For contributions to document image analysis and for service to IAPR
Article: "A Self-serving Review of My Own Work"
Larry O'Gorman (USA)
Awarded at ICPR 1996 - Vienna, Austria
Citation: For contributions to document analysis
Article: "Has the time for telepresence finally come?"
Sankar K. Pal (India)
ICPR 2002, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
For contributions to pattern recognition and image processing using soft computing.
Article: "Getting to Know...Sankar K. Pal, IAPR Fellow"
Theo Pavlidis (USA)
Awarded at ICPR 1994 - Jerusalem, Israel
Citation: For contributions to computer graphics and image processing and service to the IAPR
Article: "Why Applications are Important"
Nalini K. Ratha (USA)
Awarded at ICPR 2008 - Tampa, Florida, USA
Citation: For contributions to biometric authentication
Article: "Biometrics: The key to the gates of a secure and modern paradise"
Jose Ruiz-Shulcloper (Cuba)
Awarded at ICPR 2012-Tsukuba, Science City, Japan
Citation: For contributions to pattern recognition and data mining, and services to the IAPR
Article: "Getting to Know...Jose Ruiz-Shulclper, IAPR Fellow"
Gabriella Sanniti di Baja (Italy)
Awarded at ICPR 2000 - Barcelona, Spain
Citation: For exceptional service to IAPR and for contributions to image analysis
Article: "Image analysis with discrete tools"
David G. Stork (USA)
Awarded at ICPR 2008-Tampa, Florida, USA
Citation: For contributions to pattern recognition education, machine learning, speech recognition, and the application of computer vision to the study of art
Article: "How do images convey meaning?"