Conference Sponsorship / Endorsement


The Conferences and Meetings Committee of IAPR will evaluate applications for Sponsorship or Endorsement of meetings. Sponsorship or Endorsement will be granted to applicants who demonstrate that there is a strong likelihood that the meeting will have an international scope and significant contribution to topics central to the study of pattern recognition and its applications.

The Chair of the Conferences and Meetings Committee will determine if the meeting is in compliance with IAPR standards.

IAPR Sponsored Events

IAPR Sponsored events are typically organized by IAPR technical committees or member societies, focused on a topic or theme, with substantial international participation in the event and representation in the organizing committee. Sponsorship by IAPR includes the right to use the IAPR logo and the phrases "IAPR Conference on" or "IAPR Workshop on" in the event title, and publicity in the IAPR Newsletter and IAPR web site.

Also, IAPR will provide a permanent, standardized URL for the conference (in the format which can be set to redirect to a website the organizers maintain up through the actual dates of the event. The permanent IAPR URL should be considered the standard reference and will be the only URL used in official IAPR communications (e.g., the IAPR website, IAPR newsletters). IAPR will also support a static "snapshot" archive of the conference website after the event has ended. The conference webmaster will be expected to coordinate with the IAPR webmaster to help facilitate this transfer. For a minimum of one year after the conclusion of the event, the organizer's URL should be set to redirect to the permanent IAPR URL. These steps are designed to maximize the ongoing visibility of the conference in search engine results.

A levy of ten percent of the gross registration fee or US $30 per participant, which ever is smaller, must be paid to IAPR after the conclusion of the event. With the *prior* approval of the Conferences and Meetings Committee Chair and the Treasurer, part of the levy may be applied towards specifically identified activities in the name of IAPR such as IAPR Travel Stipends, IAPR Distinguished Speaker, IAPR Best Paper Prize, etc. Following the approval of IAPR Sponsorship for an event, a separate application with specific details of the proposed activities in the name of the IAPR (including an estimate of the cost to be deducted from the IAPR levy) must be submitted to the Conferences and Meetings Committee Chair *prior* to the event and prior to any arrangements being made.

One high resolution IAPR logo to be used in advertisement material is available from the IAPR Secretariat.

IAPR Endorsed Events

IAPR Endorsed events are by any scientific entity, including IAPR technical committees and member societies, with topics or themes which are within the scope of IAPR's technical interests as determined by the Conferences and Meetings Committee. Limited publicity and support through IAPR channels including authorization to use IAPR Logo and the phrase "Endorsed by the IAPR."

The IAPR levy is US $4 per participant with a minimum of US $150. With the *prior* approval of the Conferences & Meetings Committee Chair and the Treasurer, part of the levy may be applied towards specifically identified activities in the name of IAPR such as IAPR Travel Stipends, IAPR Distinguished Speaker, IAPR Best Paper Award, etc.

Following the approval of IAPR Endorsement for an event, a separate application with specific details of the proposed activities in the name of the IAPR (including an estimate of the cost to be deducted from the IAPR levy) must be submitted to the Conferences & Meetings Committee Chair *prior* to the event and prior to any arrangements being made.

One high resolution IAPR logo to be used in advertisement material is available from the IAPR Secretariat.


Beyond the procedures and guidelines indicated above, IAPR has established additional policies that must be adhered to when applicants are requesting Co-Sponsorship with another professional society. Please refer to this document for details, and note that a copy of this statement must be included when applying for sponsorship from the other professional society.

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