IAPR Sponsorship / Endorsement

IAPR Sponsorship
How to Get a Sponsorship / Endorsement
Application Form
ICPR 2022 Workshops


The procedure that is followed is set up to allow an efficient and fast decision by IAPR. Please provide the necessary information well in advance of the event (and before any publicity is distributed) to enable quick reactions of the IAPR Conferences & Meetings Committee. It is recommended to submit a request more than 3 months before the first paper submission deadline. Proposals submitted after this deadline could be summarily rejected. Proposals that already use the IAPR logo/name either in publicity material or websites will be summarily rejected without further consideration.

Make sure to indicate whether you are applying for "IAPR Sponsorship" or "IAPR Endorsement" for your event.

IAPR Privacy Policy: The information contained in the application for IAPR sponsorship/endorsement of a meeting is used by the Conferences & Meetings Committee (C&M) only to evaluate the meeting and to form the basis of the agreement between the IAPR and the organizers. It is held by the C&M as historical record. The IAPR does not sell, distribute, or pass any personal data to any organization.

By submitting an application for IAPR sponsorship/endorsement of the meeting you accept this Privacy Policy; do not submit the application if you do not accept the Privacy Policy. Please contact privacy@IAPR.org with questions or concerns or to delete your personal data.

Requests should be submitted by using the on-line application form.

The information required to submit an application is as follows:

  1. Subject and title of meeting.
  2. Date and location.
  3. Expected number of participants.
  4. Tentative program.
  5. Clarification whether the Proceedings will be published before or after the meeting. Please specify the publisher you have selected, eg IEEE, Springer, etc.
  6. Names of the organizing societies and the scientific committee members. The Program Committee should be well-populated, although it is not necessary for it to be complete at the time of the application.
  7. Review of full papers is a requirement for IAPR backing. Review of abstracts or summaries is insufficient. Describe the reviewing process (number of reviewers per paper, blind, double blind; etc.).
  8. Declaration of the conference chair that participants from all IAPR Member Societies will be welcome without any restriction due to political, race, religion differences.
  9. Clarification whether IAPR individual members will be entitled a 5% reduction on the registration fee. This discount, while not a requirement, does help raise IAPR awareness in the scientific community and helps to encourage IAPR membership.
  10. Declaration that each full conference registration fee will cover the presentation of at least three papers by a co-author of those papers. Presentation of additional papers beyond those three can require the payment of an additional charge.
  11. Declaration that the conference organisers will be bound by the IAPR Statement of Ethics. The IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors (part of the Statement of Ethics) must be prominently displayed on the conference website.

For conferences that are part of a series, please send also the following information related to the previous (up to three) editions:

  • Names of key-persons (chairs)
  • Location
  • Reference to proceedings (e.g. an URL)
  • Webpage

The Chair of the Conferences and Meetings Committee will determine if the meeting is in compliance with IAPR standards, Constitution and Bylaws, and will obtain approval from the organizer's local Governing Board member. (To speed up the process, you may send copies of the request and additional material to your local Governing Board member). If sponsorship is approved, the Chair will inform the organizers, the IAPR Secretary, the Newsletter Editor and the Treasurer. The meeting will be announced in the Newsletter. After the meeting, the conference Chair should submit a short report, extracts of which may be used in the newsletter, and send information on how to obtain Proceedings to the Secretariat.

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