Statement of Ethics and Policy on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

IAPR Statement of Ethics

We, the members of the IAPR and its member societies, commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct and declare that:

  1. We faithfully perform our work by paying utmost attention to the safety, health, and welfare of the public throughout the world and never endanger the public or the environment in which we live;
  2. We faithfully and honestly disclose the results of our work by fully acknowledging, respecting, and crediting the contributions of others;
  3. We faithfully accept criticism of our work and correct errors whenever necessary to avoid misleading others in their future work and to avoid damaging others and their reputations.

IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors

The IAPR requires that all authors wishing to present a paper declare that the paper is substantially original; that is, the manuscript as a whole, or for the most part, is novel, has not been published in (or even submitted to) any journals and has not been presented at any other conferences. If previous versions of the manuscript were published or presented, appropriate references must be given and substantial justification for presentation of the current version must be presented.

The IAPR strictly prohibits any plagiarism; that is, the work of others must not be "borrowed" and presented as the authors' own work, regardless of the size of the borrowed portion.

The IAPR frowns upon "no-show behavior" at IAPR-related conferences and workshops, meaning that an author registers to make a presentation but does not show up for it. If such behavior is unavoidable due to urgent and unexpected personal matters, the author is strongly urged to notify the event organizer of the situation as soon as possible. If prior notification is impossible, the organizer should be advised after the fact of the reason for the author's absence.

The IAPR retains the rights to eliminate any papers in violation of these Requirements and to take appropriate action against individuals repeatedly violating these Requirements and assumes no responsibility for any resulting loss of reputation or opportunity of such individuals or for any inconvenience related to the future work of such individuals.

IAPR Policy on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


The overarching principles of the policy should be as follows:

  • All members are treated fairly in the IAPR's dealing with them.
  • All members should have the right to be free from harassment and bullying of any description, or any other form of unwanted behaviour in their dealings with IAPR.
  • All members should have an equal chance to contribute to the Association and its activities and to achieve their potential, irrespective of any defining feature that may give rise to unfair discrimination.
  • All members have the right to be free from discrimination because they associate with another person who possesses a Protected Characteristic or because others perceive that they have a particular Protected Characteristic, even if they do not. The Protected Characteristics are:
    • Age
    • Disability
    • Race
    • Religion or belief
    • Sex
    • Gender reassignment
    • Marriage or civil partnership
    • Pregnancy and maternity
    • Sexual orientation


The IAPR opposes all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. All our members, officers and volunteers will be treated fairly and with respect. Selection for office or any other benefit within the association will be based on the skills and ability of the candidates.

We will work to create an organisational culture where people are able to express their individual identities and celebrate diversity. People must feel confident and supported to challenge attitudes and behaviours which are deemed biased, discriminatory or disrespectful.

We want to embed our values throughout the organisation. It is only by accepting and valuing diversity that we enable people to achieve their full potential We will do all we can to ensure no individual receives less favourable treatment or is to be disadvantaged by requirements or conditions, which cannot be shown to be justifiable.


All members, officers and volunteers of the IAPR have a duty to act within this policy, ensuring that it is followed and to draw attention to any suspected discriminatory acts or practices, through the officers of the association line or the complaints procedure.

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