

Criteria for Membership
Procedures for Enrollment of Members
Composition of the Governing Board
Election of Officers
Nominating Committee
Procedures for the Governing Board
Procedures for the Executive Committee
Technical Committees
The Organization of the International Conference
Parliamentary Procedure
Standing Committees

These Bylaws provide detailed guidance for the supervision and management of the affairs of IAPR in accordance with the IAPR Constitution.


1. Introduction

These Bylaws provide detailed guidance for the supervision and management of the affairs of IAPR in accordance with the IAPR Constitution.

2. Criteria for Membership (See Section 3.2 of the Constitution)

2.1 To be eligible for membership, an organization shall be national, multinational, or international in scope and shall be a non-profit scientific or professional organization, whose membership is open to qualified individuals and is organized along democratic principles. The term "national" is defined to be in accordance with accepted United Nations terminology.

2.2 It would normally be expected that only one member organization of IAPR would exist in a given country. Under special circumstances the Governing Board may allow exceptions to this.

2.3 It would normally be expected that when a member organization of IAPR exists in a person's country, that person will participate in IAPR through that organization. Under special circumstances the Membership Committee may allow exceptions to this.

3. Procedures for Enrollment of Members (See Section 3.2 of the Constitution)

3.1 Preliminary applications for admission to membership shall be addressed to the Chair of the Membership Committee. Final applications for admission to membership shall include an endorsement from the Chair of the Membership Committee, and be submitted to the vote of the Governing Board through the Secretary of the IAPR.

3.2 Organizations applying for membership shall provide an English translation of their constitution and bylaws or provide equivalent information about their functioning and their status.

3.3 Organizations applying for membership shall provide a list of their members, including name and affiliation. This list will define the size of the membership. If an organization's scope of activity is broader than the field of interest of IAPR, only members interested in activities within the field of interest of IAPR shall be listed. The membership size is determined both for purposes of publications distribution and for purposes of representation in IAPR. Exceptions to this paragraph must be approved by the Governing Board.

3.4 The Membership Committee shall advise the Governing Board about acceptance of organizations as members of IAPR, and about the effective size of the membership as mentioned in Article 3.3 of these Bylaws. The Membership Committee may determine procedures for defining the effective size of an organization for purposes of representation in IAPR.

3.5 Member organizations making significant changes to their constitution or bylaws or to any other organizational details as described in Article 3.2 must inform the Secretary of IAPR. The Membership Committee will advise the Executive Committee as to whether, following these changes, the Governing Board should be asked to approve continuation of their membership.

3.6 All member organizations must at least biennially, upon request, provide the Secretary of IAPR with updated membership lists as defined in Article 3.3 of these Bylaws. Exceptions to this paragraph must be approved by the Governing Board.

3.7 Benefits and services restricted to individual members of membership organizations will be granted only to persons whose names appear on the updated membership list as stipulated in Article 3.6. Membership organizations that fail to provide an updated membership list shall be held responsible for providing proof of membership for individuals in a way acceptable to IAPR. Individual members may be asked to list their membership organization and should be notified that their membership status will be verified against the membership list or through their membership organization.

3.8 Member organizations that fail to inform the Secretary of IAPR as detailed in Article 3.5 of these Bylaws, that cease to function in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, and intentions expressed when joining IAPR, will have their membership cancelled at the next Governing Board meeting of IAPR. In exceptional cases, the Governing Board may vote to maintain membership.

3.9 Non-payment of annual dues

3.9.1 Definitions: suspension - a suspended member organization is a member of the IAPR but cannot vote with the Governing Board until the suspension is lifted; cancellation – a cancelled member organization is no longer a member of the IAPR, has no representation on the Governing Board, and must apply to the IAPR to regain membership.

3.9.2 Member organizations are expected to pay their dues in the year invoiced. Member organizations that fail to pay their IAPR dues within two years of the invoice date will be notified, that they have been placed on an automatic suspension. The Governing Board will also be notified. Suspended member organizations will have their membership reactivated immediately after receipt of all back dues. In some cases, the IAPR Treasurer may agree to a payment plan and allow reactivation. At the next Governing Board meeting the Treasurer will report on all such actions.

3.9.3 If a suspended member organization has failed to reactivate their membership within one year of the date of suspension, a Governing Board vote on cancellation will be initiated by currently acceptable means (e.g., electronically, in person, via email). A simple majority will determine the membership action. In exceptional cases, the Governing Board may vote to maintain membership.

3.9.4 A cancelled member organization must reapply for membership as described in Articles 3.1-3.4 of these Bylaws.

4. Composition of the Governing Board (See Section 4.2 of the Constitution)

4.1 In order to determine the number of representatives from member organizations in the Governing Board the following categories of member organizations may be distinguished:

Category A1: With a membership of 25-75

Category A2: With a membership of 76-200

Category B1: With a membership of 201-400

Category B2: With a membership of 401-800

Category C: With a membership of over 800

The numbers refer to the effective size of the membership with activities within the field of interest of IAPR as indicated in Article 3.3 of these Bylaws.

4.2 The effective size of a membership organization that fails to provide an updated membership list as stipulated in Article 3.6 shall be deemed to be equal to that of Category A2, unless a certified estimate of the actual size is provided by the organization instead of the membership list and that estimate is approved by the Governing Board.

4.3 A Category A1 or A2 organization may designate one representative on the Governing Board of IAPR. A Category B1 or B2 organization may designate two representatives on the Governing Board of IAPR. A Category C organization may designate four representatives on the Governing Board of IAPR.

4.4 Member organizations are required to inform the Secretary of IAPR which individual or individuals represent the member organization on the Governing Board of IAPR.

5. Election of Officers (See Section 4.3 of the Constitution)

5.1 The election of President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer shall be conducted by the Governing Board at its biennial meeting. In the event that the previous President cannot act as Past President during the following term, an Acting Past President must also be elected.

5.2 The Nominating Committee will consult with members of the Governing Board and with other members of IAPR and will compile a list comprising at least one nomination for each Office. Candidates accepting nomination are required to provide their written consent and their curriculum vitae. The list of nominees and a biographical sketch of each nominee will be distributed to the Governing Board no later than three months before the date set for the Election of Officers. Following the publication of the list, members of the Governing Board may make further nominations by sending to the President the name of the candidate, written consent from the candidate and a curriculum vitae as before, together with a seconding letter from another member of the Governing Board. These nominations must reach the President no later than one month before the date set for the Election of Officers. Details of these further nominations will be distributed to the Governing Board prior to the Election.

5.3 Nominations at the Election meeting may be made from the floor provided that each nomination has at least four seconders, each from different organizations other than that to which the nominee belongs. Written agreement must be provided to the President from a nominee, proposer or seconder not present at the meeting.

5.4 The officers mentioned in Article 5.1 of the Bylaws shall be elected by a majority vote (more than 50 percent) of all members of the Governing Board present at the meeting. If no candidate receives a majority on the first ballot, the candidate receiving the fewest number of votes shall be eliminated and another vote taken. The procedure is to be repeated until one candidate receives a majority vote. The election for officers shall be by written, secret ballot. If there is only one candidate for an office, the chairman may call for a voice vote; however, if there is any objection, a written, secret ballot must be taken.

5.5 If a vacancy occurs among the officers of the Executive Committee during the first year of that committee's period of service, then the Governing Board shall be asked to elect a replacement, the exact procedures to be determined by the remaining members of the Executive Committee at that time. If the vacancy occurs later than after one year, then the Executive Committee may appoint an individual to act in the vacant office. When the vacancy is the Presidency, the replacement will normally be the First Vice-President.

6. Financing (See Section 6.1 of the Constitution)

6.1 The annual dues for the five categories of member organizations shall be set by the Governing Board. The annual dues period is the calendar year.

6.2 All dues will be payable in USA dollars.

6.3 Billings and receipt of dues and other funds shall be via the Secretariat as directed by the Treasurer or by the President, or according to standing IAPR policy.

6.4 All funds received by the Treasurer shall be deposited in a depository approved by the President in an account requiring the signature of the Treasurer or of the President for withdrawal.

6.5 The Treasurer shall prepare the budget and submit it to the Governing Board for adoption.

6.6 Disbursement of funds against previously budgeted accounts may be made by the Treasurer without further approval. Disbursements of funds against not previously budgeted accounts require the approval of the President if they are in excess of $500.

6.7 The Treasurer shall cause to be prepared a biennial review of the affairs of IAPR by certified public accountants and a report thereof shall be submitted to the Governing Board. The Treasurer shall also make, in the years without such a review, a report to the Executive Committee concerning the financial status of IAPR.

6.8 The Chairman of the next ICPR shall prepare the budget for this ICPR and submit it to the Governing Board for adoption.

6.9 The Governing Board may reserve an allowance for the financial support of the next ICPR. The ICPR General Chair or one of the ICPR committee members may, with the approval of the President and the Treasurer of IAPR, use (part of) this allowance for the organization of ICPR. Such disbursement may be recovered from ICPR receipts.

6.10 The General Chair of the next ICPR or one of the ICPR committee members may, with the approval of the Treasurer of IAPR, open an IAPR account to be used for the deposit and disbursement of funds for this ICPR.

6.11 In special circumstances, such as sponsoring or co-sponsoring conferences, journals, etc., the Governing Board and the Executive Committee shall make prudent arrangements to safeguard the IAPR funds that may be involved.

7. Nominating Committee (See Section 8.1 of the Constitution)

7.1 The functions of this committee are to select from the membership of IAPR the names of candidates qualified for the offices of the Executive Committee.

7.2 The Nominating Committee shall consist of five members to serve for a term of two years. Re-election is allowed for a second term. By preference a few members from a past Executive Committee, who have no intention of serving again on the Executive Committee for the following term, shall serve in the Nominating Committee.

8. Procedures for the Governing Board (See Section 9.1 of the Constitution)

8.1 The biennial meeting of the Governing Board shall be held during the ICPR. Notice of agenda, time, and place shall be announced to the members not less than thirty days in advance.

8.2 Half of the number of members of the Governing Board shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the Governing Board and at mail ballots.

8.3 The Chair, if not a member of the Governing Board, may vote only to break a tie. A Chair who is a member of the Governing Board has two votes, one of which may be used only to break a tie. All other members of the Governing Board have one vote. Except as otherwise provided for, decisions on all matters shall be by majority vote.

8.4 If a member of the Governing Board is unable to be present at a meeting, another person may be designated, including another member of the Governing Board, to cast a proxy vote in some or all voting matters. Such proxies will be valid only if made in writing in advance to the Secretary and signed by the member.

8.5 When a majority of members of the Executive Committee or twenty-five percent of the members of the Governing Board believe that a decision of the Governing Board on a well defined proposal is necessary between biennial meetings a mail ballot shall be organized. The Secretary shall distribute the proposals, and a ballot to the members of the Governing Board. Thirty days after the ballot forms have been mailed out, the ballots received shall be counted by the Secretary or the President and a report on the result of the ballot shall be signed by the officer responsible for the count. Decisions shall be determined according to Articles 8.2 and 8.3 of these Bylaws. Governing Board members that did not vote shall be considered absent.

8.6 Whenever "mail" is used in these Bylaws, Postal Mail, Electronic Mail, or Fax are valid options.

9. Procedures for the Executive Committee (See Section 9.1 of the Constitution)

9.1 Elections of officers is determined by Article 5 of the Bylaws.

9.2 Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President. Special meetings may be called by any three members of the Executive Committee on notice to all other members of the Executive Committee.

9.3 Decisions of the Executive Committee shall be by majority vote of those present at the meeting, with the Chair voting only to resolve a tie. Half of the number of members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.

9.4 When a decision of the Executive Committee concerning a well defined proposal is necessary between meetings of the committee, a mail ballot shall be organized. In case of a mail ballot the President or the Secretary shall distribute the proposals and a ballot to the members of the Executive Committee. After a twenty day period the ballots received shall be counted by the President or the Secretary. In the mail ballot the President or the Secretary will inform the members of the Executive Committee by mail about the detailed results of the ballot. Decisions shall be made according to Article 9.3 of these Bylaws.

9.5 The Executive Committee, or the President in consultation with the Secretary, may authorize co-sponsorship of appropriate professional activities provided no financial obligation is incurred by IAPR and provided no objections are received from Governing Board representatives of member organizations from the region of the proposed activity. In all cases, these representatives should be advised of any such proposal for co-sponsorship.

10. Technical Committees

10.1 The Governing Board may establish Technical Committees to provide leadership in designated technical specialities and to further the objective of IAPR. Each Technical Committee shall have a distinct purpose and scope.

10.2 Each Technical Committee shall have a Chair, who may not simultaneously be an officer of IAPR. They are appointed by the President. Appointments are for periods of up to two years, and will terminate coincident with the biennial meeting of the Governing Board. A committee Chair may not serve more than two terms in the same office.

10.3 Each Technical Committee will be under the responsibility of either the President, or one of the Vice-Presidents if so designated by the President.

10.4 Board members of a Technical Committee are appointed by the Chair. In selecting each board member, the Chair shall take into account professional background, geographical diversity, and likelihood of active participation. A board member's tenure ends with the end of the term of the current Chair. Board members may be reappointed an indefinite number of times.

10.5 A Technical Committee may organize into subcommittees, may hold regular or special meetings, and propose and plan IAPR workshops and other professional activities within its scope, either by itself or in collaboration with other Technical Committees. Workshops as well as collaborative activities with non-IAPR organizations require the approval of the Executive Committee or of the President in consultation with the Secretary and provided no objections are received from Governing Board representatives from the region of the proposed activity. In all cases, these representatives should be advised of the proposed activities. Technical Committees may submit budgets for funds to cover their activities for approval by the Governing Board. Decisions within a Technical Committee should be reached by simple majority vote. Minutes of all TC meetings should be kept. The Chair shall submit a written report to the Executive Committee at least once a year.

10.6 The Executive Committee shall review the status of each Technical Committee at least once every two years and recommend to the Governing Board any action involving the creation of new committees or the merging or dissolution of existing committees.

11. The Organization of the ICPR (See Section 11.1 of the Constitution)

11.1 The ICPR General Chair shall be responsible to the Governing Board for planning, managing, operating and evaluating ICPR.

11.2 The ICPR should be endorsed by the local IAPR member society, rather than a group of individuals. The names of general chair, program chair, and local arrangements chair should be submitted with the proposal together with two alternate names of people who may replace one of the above if these for some reason cannot carry out their duties. Any significant changes in the proposal must be approved by the Executive Committee.

11.3 Articles 6.8 through 6.10 of these Bylaws concern the financial aspects of the ICPR.

11.4 Whenever possible, publicity matters relating to the ICPRs should clearly state that the conference is a conference of the International Association for Pattern Recognition. The ICPR organizers will provide the IAPR with detailed statistics about ICPR, including the list of participants and their addresses, and financial summary balance sheets.

11.5 The ICPR, as well as all other conferences and workshops sponsored or co-sponsored by IAPR, must be open for attendance to all members of IAPR member societies.

12. Amendments (See Section 13.1 of the Constitution)

12.1 Proposals for amendments to the Constitution of IAPR or its Bylaws initiated by members of the Governing Board or the Executive Committee shall be mailed not less than thirty days in advance of a meeting of the Governing Board. An amendment mailed less than thirty days in advance of a meeting, or proposed during a meeting, shall only be considered after two-thirds of the members present at the Governing Board meeting vote to put this amendment on the agenda.

12.2 Two-thirds of the votes of the members present at a meeting of the Governing Board shall be required to approve any amendment to the Constitution or the Bylaws of IAPR.

12.3 The Constitution or the Bylaws can be amended between meetings of the Governing Board upon petition by a majority of the Executive Committee or twenty-five percent of the members of the Governing Board. The procedure for this is the same as for other important matters as covered by Section 8.5 of these Bylaws, except that a two-thirds majority is required for an amendment to be adopted.

12.4 Amendments shall take effect thirty days after adoption, except that if by amendment officers are changed in status or the number is reduced, each officer shall continue to serve in that office until the end of the term.

13. Parliamentary Procedure

13.1 Matters concerning procedure not specifically provided for in the Constitution or Bylaws shall be resolved using the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order.

14. Standing Committees (See Section 8.1 of the Constitution)

14.1 In addition to the Membership Committee (Article 3.4 of these Bylaws) and the Nominating Committee (Articles 7.1-7.2 of these Bylaws), there shall be the following additional standing committees:

14.2 The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall review the provisions of the Constitution and the Bylaws and propose amendments and revisions to the Governing Board, as required to improve the effectiveness and operation of IAPR.

14.3 The Publications and Publicity Committee shall establish policies, subject to approval by the Governing Board, concerning the publications of IAPR. The editors of IAPR publications and the IAPR Webmaster shall be ex officio members of this committee.

14.4 The Conferences and Meetings Committee shall establish policies, subject to approval by the Governing Board, concerning the planning, scheduling, and organizing of conferences, workshops, tutorials, and other meetings, and monitor adherence to these policies.

14.5 The King-Sun Fu Prize Committee shall administer the King-Sun Fu Prize, as per the rules established by the Governing Board. The Committee shall consist of five members, each serving for six years, one or two new members being elected every two years. The winner of the prize is automatically selected as a new member.

14.6 The Industrial Liaison Committee shall act to improve IAPR's interface with Industry, and for facilitating the involvement of industrialists in the IAPR.

14.7 The Education Committee shall collect and prepare educational material in the field of interest of IAPR and, subject to the approval of the Governing Board, distribute such material to the members.

14.8 The Fellow Committee shall administer the Fellow Program, as per the rules established by the Governing Board. Fellowships shall be awarded biennially. At each occasion, the number of new fellows can be at most 0.25% of the total membership of the IAPR. The total membership should be determined by the Secretary from the information provided by the member organizations, see Article 3.6 of these Bylaws.

14.9 The J.K. Aggarwal Prize Committee shall administer the J.K. Aggarwal Prize, as per the rules established by the Governing Board. The Committee shall consist of five members, each serving for six years, one or two new members being elected every two years. The winner of the prize is automatically selected as a new member.

14.10 The Maria Petrou Prize Committee shall administer the Maria Petrou Prize, as per the rules established by the Governing Board. The Committee shall consist of five members, each serving for six years, one or two new members being elected every two years The winner of the prize is automatically selected as a new member 14.11 The ICPR Liaison Committee shall act to ensure continuity in the organization process of future conferences and monitor upcoming conferences on behalf of IAPR. Past organizers of ICPR will be among the members of this committee.

14.12 The Advisory Committee shall provide assistance and guidance to the Executive Committee on topics relevant to IAPR. Its members will have long ranging experience with IAPR activities.

14.13 Standing Committee appointments, except for the King Sun Fu Prize Committee, the Maria Petrou Prize Committee and the J.K. Aggarwal Prize Committee, terminate coincident with the biennial meeting of the Governing Board.

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