
ICPR Compensation to IAPR
Newsletter Subscriptions
King-Sun Fu Prize
Best Industry-Related Paper Award
Piero Zamperoni Best Student Paper Award
Best Scientific Paper Awards
J.K. Aggarwal Prize
Maria Petrou Prize
IAPR Statement of Ethics
IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors
IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors (Shortened version for authors)

S.1 ICPR Compensation to IAPR

The organizers of an ICPR shall prepare their budget and set their fee structure so as to provide for compensation to IAPR for its efforts and expenses in promoting the conference. Such compensation is to be ten percent of the gross registration receipts and is to be paid to the IAPR treasury no later than 6 months after the conclusion of this ICPR. The gross registration receipts shall include receipts for the ICPR itself, for any tutorials or workshops held in connection with the ICPR, as well as for any exhibits.

S.2 Newsletter Subscriptions

The IAPR Newsletter is freely available for download from the IAPR website.

S.3 King-Sun Fu Prize

S.3.1 The King-Sun Fu Prize is to be awarded biennially to a living person in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of pattern recognition. The Prize honours the memory of Professor King-Sun Fu, who was instrumental in the founding of IAPR, served as its first President, and is widely recognized for his extensive contributions to the field of pattern recognition. The Prize consists of a suitably inscribed plaque and a cash amount, the costs of which are borne by IAPR funds.

S.3.2 The Prize recipient shall be selected by the King-Sun Fu Prize Committee, subject to approval by the IAPR Governing Board, upon nomination by a member of a member society of IAPR and by endorsement of at least five other members, representing at least two member societies different from that of the nominator and nominee. Nominations will be considered only for the Prize of the year for which they are submitted.

S.3.3 Members of the IAPR Executive Committee, as well as of the King-Sun Fu Prize

Committee, shall be ineligible for the Prize; nor may they serve as nominators or endorsers.

S.3.4 The Prize is to be made in recognition of a technical contribution of far-reaching significance and impact on the field of pattern recognition or its closely allied fields made at any time in the past.

S.4 Best Industry-Related Paper Award

The Best Industry-Related Award will be awarded at each ICPR. The paper will be selected by a committee appointed by the Chair of the Industrial Liaison Committee.

S.5 Piero Zamperoni Best Student Paper Award

The Piero Zamperoni Best Student Paper Award will be awarded at each ICPR. The paper will be selected by a committee appointed by the Chair of the Education Committee.

S.6 Best Scientific Paper Awards

One or more best scientific paper awards will be given at each ICPR. The papers will be selected by the Technical Program Committee of ICPR. The monetary value of the awards will be set by the Governing Board and funded from the Conference budget.

S.7 J.K. Aggarwal Prize

S.7.1 The J. K Aggarwal Prize is to be awarded biennially to a living person in recognition of substantial contributions to the field of pattern recognition. The Prize honors Professor Jake Aggarwal who is widely recognized for his extensive contributions to the field of pattern recognition. The Prize consists of a cash amount and a suitably inscribed certificate. The costs of the Prize are borne by a special fund set up for this purpose.

S.7.2 The Prize recipient shall be selected by the J. K. Aggarwal Prize Committee, subject to approval by the IAPR Governing Board, upon nomination by a member of a member society of IAPR and the endorsement of four other members, representing at least two member societies different from that of the nominator and nominee. Nominations will be considered only for the Prize of the year for which they are submitted.

S.7.3 Members of the IAPR Executive Committee, as well as of the J.K. Aggarwal Prize Committee, shall be ineligible for the prize and may not serve as nominators or endorsers.

S.7.4 The Prize recipient is a young scientist, under the age of 40 at the date of the deadline for nominations, who has brought a substantial contribution to a field that is relevant to the IAPR community and whose research work has had a major impact on the field.

S.8 Maria Petrou Prize

S.8.1 The Maria Petrou Prize is to be awarded biennially to a living female scientist/engineer who has made substantial contributions to the field of Pattern Recognition, and whose past contributions, current research activity and future potential may be regarded as a model to both aspiring and established researchers. This Prize honors the memory of Professor Maria Petrou as a scientist and engineer of the first rank, and particularly in her role as a pioneer for women researchers and highly successful role model. She is widely recognized for her extensive contributions to the field of image processing and pattern recognition. She also made significant contributions to the growth of IAPR, covering significant leadership roles. The Prize consists of a suitably inscribed plaque and a cash amount partially covering a visiting period of the winner at some research institution or university.

S.8.2 The Prize recipient shall be selected by the Maria Petrou Prize Committee, subject to approval by the IAPR Governing Board, upon nomination by a member of a member society of IAPR and by endorsement of at least two other members, out of which at least one is a woman. Nominations will be considered only for the Prize of the year for which they are submitted.

S.8.3 Members of the IAPR Executive Committee, as well as of the Maria Petrou Prize Committee, shall be ineligible for the Prize; nor may they serve as nominators or endorsers.

S.8.4 The Prize is to be made in recognition of substantial contributions to the field of Pattern Recognition, and whose past contributions, current research activity and future potential may be regarded as a model to both aspiring and established researchers.

S.9 IAPR Statement of Ethics

We, the members of the IAPR and its member societies, commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct and declare that:

S.9.1 We faithfully perform our work by paying utmost attention to the safety, health, and welfare of the public throughout the world and never endanger the public or the environment in which we live;

S.9.2 We faithfully and honestly disclose the results of our work by fully acknowledging, respecting, and crediting the contributions of others;

S.9.3 We faithfully accept criticism of our work and correct errors whenever necessary to avoid misleading others in their future work and to avoid damaging others and their reputations.

S.10 IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors

S.10.1 IAPR requires that all authors wishing to present a paper declare that the paper is substantially original; that is, the manuscript as a whole, or for the most part, is novel, has not been published in (or even submitted to) any journals and has not been presented at any other conferences. If previous versions of the manuscript were published or presented, appropriate references must be given and substantial justification for presentation of the current version must be presented.

S.10.2 IAPR strictly prohibits any plagiarism; that is, the work of others must not be "borrowed" and presented as the authors' own work, regardless of the size of the borrowed portion.

S.10.3 IAPR frowns upon "no-show behavior" at IAPR-related conferences and workshops, meaning that an author registers to make a presentation but does not show up for it. If such behavior is unavoidable due to urgent and unexpected personal matters, the author is strongly urged to notify the event organizer of the situation as soon as possible. If prior notification is impossible, the organizer should be advised after the fact of the reason for the author's absence.

S.10.4 IAPR retains the rights to eliminate any papers in violation of these Requirements and to take appropriate action against individuals repeatedly violating these Requirements and assumes no responsibility for any resulting loss of reputation or opportunity of such individuals or for any inconvenience related to the future work of such individuals.

S.11 IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors (Shortened version for authors)

S.11.1 IAPR requires that all authors wishing to present a paper declare that: the paper is substantially original and has not been submitted to any other conferences or journals, the paper does not contain any plagiarism, and the paper will be presented by the author or a coauthor in person.

S.11.2 The IAPR retains the right to eliminate any papers in violation of these requirements and to exclude the authors of such papers from future IAPR community activities.

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