IAPR Sponsorship / Endorsement

IAPR Sponsorship
How to Get a Sponsorship / Endorsement
Application Form
ICPR 2022 Workshops


IAPR Privacy Policy: The information contained in the application for IAPR sponsorship/endorsement of a meeting is used by the Conferences & Meetings Committee (C&M) only to evaluate the meeting and to form the basis of the agreement between the IAPR and the organizers. It is held by the C&M as historical record. The IAPR does not sell, distribute, or pass any personal data to any organization.

By submitting an application for IAPR sponsorship/endorsement of the meeting you accept this Privacy Policy; do not submit the application if you do not accept the Privacy Policy. Please contact privicy@iapr.org with questions or concerns or to delete your personal data.

Please carefully fill in the information below and press the submit button; the system will return a reference number for the submission and send a copy of the submitted information to your email address.

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding the application process to the Chair of the Conferences and Meetings Committee at cmc-chair@iapr.org. If your message is in regard to an already submitted application then please include the reference number in your email.


1. Type of support requested
IAPR Technical Committee organizing the event (i.e. TC-10)
2. Title of the meeting
3. Acronym
4. Webpage (if already exists)
Note: IAPR will provide Sponsored events with a standardized URL that will initially redirect to the event website and later host an archived version. This URL will be of the form www.iapr.org/'event acronym'.

5. Subject of the meeting
6. Date of the meeting
7. Location

8. Expected number of participants
9. Expected levy to be paid to IAPR
When applying for Sponsorship, the Expected Levy is the smaller amount of 10% of gross registrations or US$20 per expected participant. (Note that effective for conferences taking place after June 30, 2019, the levy will be raised to a flat US $30 per participant.)

When applying for Endorsement, the Expected Levy is US$4 per expected participant with a minimum payment of US$150.

The field below will estimate the Expected Levy based on the type of support requested and the expected number of participants specified above.

For further details, please see the Rules for IAPR Conference Sponsorship/Endorsement.

10. Tentative program
11. Proceedings will be published
Before the meeting
After the meeting
12. Selected Publisher
13. Names of the organizing societies
14. Scientific committee members
The Program Committee should be well-populated, although it is not necessary for it to be complete at the time of the application. List key leaders separately, e.g. program co-chairs, etc.
15. Brief description of the reviewing process
16. We confirm that participants from all IAPR Member Societies will be welcome without any restriction due to political, racial, or religious differences.
17. We confirm that IAPR individual members be entitled to a 5% reduction on the registration fee.
18. We confirm that each full conference registration fee will cover the presentation of at least three papers by a co-author of those papers. Presentation of additional papers beyond those three can require the payment of an additional charge.
19. We confirm that the conference organisers will be bound by the IAPR Statement of Ethics. The IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors (part of the Statement of Ethics) must be prominently displayed on the conference website.
20. Is this meeting the latest installment in a series of events that repeats (e.g., annually, biennially)?


If the meeting is part of a series include the following information for each of the previous (up to three) editions:
Series 1
21. Names of key persons (chairs)
22. Date
23. Location
24. Website
Series 2
25. Names of key persons (chairs)
26. Date
27. Location
28. Website
Series 3
29. Names of key persons (chairs)
30. Date
31. Location
32. Website


Please review the application, supply your name and e-mail address, confirm today's date and that you are not a robot, and then click submit. A confirmation notice containing the application data will be sent to your e-mail address.

By submitting an application for IAPR sponsorship/endorsement you accept the Privacy Policy described at the top of this page.
Your name
E-mail Address
Today's Date
If you experience problems with this form, please contact webmaster@iapr.org
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