IAPR Awards

ICPR Awards
King Sun Fu Prize
J. K. Aggarwal Prize
Maria Petrou Prize
P. Zamperoni Award
Best Industry Related Paper Award
Certificates of Appreciation
S+SSPR Awards
Pierre Devijver Award
TC4 Awards at ICB
Senior Biometrics Investigator
Young Biometrics Investigator
ICDAR Awards
Outstanding Achievements
Young Investigator
Recipient Information
Procedures for Recipients of Prizes and Awards

Certificates of Appreciation

2024 Award Winners in Kolkata

Anna Esposito
For outstanding contributions to IAPR as Chair of the 2022-2024 Conferences & Meetings Committee.

Carolyn Buckley
For creative leadership as the IAPR Newsletter Layout Editor and for outstanding contributions to IAPR’s 50th Anniversary materials.

Daniel P. Lopresti
For long-term, outstanding contributions to the advancement of IAPR and its activities and for extraordinary leadership service.

Lale Akarun
For outstanding leadership service to IAPR, in particular, working to enhance IAPR’s Technical Committee activities and to further IAPR’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives.

Sergio Velastin
For outstanding service to IAPR as Chair of the 2022-2024 Membership Committee.

Terence Sim
For outstanding leadership of the IAPR Ad Hoc Hybrid Conferences Committee.

Umapada Pal
For outstanding, tireless service to IAPR as General Chair of the 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2024) and Chair of the 2022-2024 Fellow Committee.

2022 Award Winners in Montreal

Alexandra Branzan Albu
For long-term leadership service, including furthering IAPR's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion initiatives.

Arun Ross
For long-term service with impact leading IAPR committees.

Cheng-Lin Liu
For leadership service, including support of ICPR Liasion activities.

Denis Laurendeau
For long-term contributions to the advancement of the IAPR, including leadership service.

Edward Sobczak
For long-term service and excellent technical support as the IAPR's Webmaster.

Gabriella Sanniti di Baja
For long-term leadership service and continued invaluable counsel.

Ingela Nyström
For long-term leadership service and efforts to further IAPR's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion initiative.

Josep Llados
For long-term leadership service with impact on IAPR committees.

Linda O'Gorman
For extraordinary, outstanding service to the IAPR.

Luc Brun
For impactful service leading IAPR's Membership Committee.

Maria De Marisco
For leadership service in furthering the IAPR's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion initiatives.

Massimo Tistarelli
For long-term leadership service with impact on IAPR committees.

Simone Marinai
For long-term contributions to the advancement of the IAPR, including leadership service.

Walter Kropatch
For long-term contributions to the advancement of the IAPR, including leadership service.

2018 Award Winners in Beijing

Rangachar Kasturi
For his outstanding work as Chair of the 2016-18 Advisory Committee and for his essential service to the IAPR.

2016 Award Winners in Cancun

Linda O'Gorman
For highly professional support to the IAPR ExCo and for service to IAPR.

2010 Award Winners in Istanbul

Herbert Freeman
For his contribution to the writing of the History of the IAPR.

2006 Award Winners in Hong Kong

Apostolos Antonacopoulos
For outstanding contributions to IAPR in the conferences and meetings committee and as chair of the education committee

Larry O'Gorman
For outstanding contributions to IAPR as Editor of the IAPR Newsletters and for the many Contributions during the years 2000-2004.

Larry Spitz
For outstanding contributions to IAPR as chair of the conferences and meetings committee during the years 2000-2004.

William Cheung
For outstanding contributions to IAPR as Web Chair of ICPR 2006

2004 Award Winners in Cambridge

Gunilla Borgefors

Lawrence A. Spitz

Lawrence O'Gorman
For outstanding service to the International Association for Pattern Recognition

Patrick Flynn

Sergey Ablameyko

2002 Award Winners in Quebec City

Karl Tombre
Outstanding service as secretary to IAPR 2000-2002

Michael Duff
Outstanding service as IAPR Newsletter Editor 1998 - 2002

Rangachar Kasturi
Outstanding service as vice-president to IAPR 2000 - 2002

Walter Kropatsch
Outstanding service as treasurer to IAPR 1998 - 2002

2000 Award Winners in Barcelona

Michal Haindl
Excellent service and management of the IAPR website

Susan Duff
Excellent secretariat services and maintainance of the IAPR archives

1998 Award Winners in Brisbane

Edzard Gelsema
Outstanding service as vice-president to IAPR 1996 - 1998

Gabriella Sanniti di Baja
Outstanding service as secretary to IAPR 1994 - 1998

Josef Bigün
Outstanding service as treasurer to IAPR 1994 - 1998

Maria Petrou
Outstanding service as IAPR Newsletter Editor 1994 - 1998

Masakazu Ejiri
Outstanding service as Chairperson of IAPR Fellow committee

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