IAPR Awards

ICPR Awards
King Sun Fu Prize
J. K. Aggarwal Prize
Maria Petrou Prize
P. Zamperoni Award
Best Industry Related Paper Award
Certificates of Appreciation
S+SSPR Awards
Pierre Devijver Award
TC4 Awards at ICB
Senior Biometrics Investigator
Young Biometrics Investigator
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Recipient Information
Procedures for Recipients of Prizes and Awards

Pierre Devijver Award

The deadline for the call for nominations is May 15, 2024.

On request of the IAPR, the Technical Committee on Statistical Pattern Recognition (TC1) established a special award to commemorate Pierre Devijver, one of the founders of statistical pattern recognition, who left us all in 1996. It was decided to set up a Pierre Devijver Award Lecture: https://sites.google.com/view/iapr-tc1/pierre-devijver-award

We call for nominations of candidates for the 2024 award. The lecture will be presented at S+SSPR 2024, the IAPR Joint International Workshops on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR 2024) and Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR 2024): https://sites.google.com/view/s-sspr-2024/

Venice, Italy
September 9-11, 2024

The winner will be expected to deliver the Pierre Devijver Award Lecture in person during the workshop.

We solicit nominations for outstanding candidates for the award to be selected from leading scientists who have contributed significantly to the field of statistical pattern recognition and closely cognate fields. The award committee (consisting of the previous Pierre Devijver award winners) will evaluate the nominations to select the awardee.

Please forward the name of your nominees by email to the TC1 chair ambra[dot]demontis[at]unica.it with a maximum of two nominations per nominator using [IAPR-TC1-PDA] as the subject line no later than May 15, 2024.

2022 Award Winner in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Yoshua Bengio

2020 Award Winner in An Online Event

Fabio Roli
For his seminal contributions to ensemble learning and multiple classifier systems, and for his extended service to the IAPR TC1.

2018 Award Winner in Beijing,China

Edwin R. Hancock
Professor Hancock presented the Pierre Devijver Award Lecture during the S+SSPR Workshop in Fragrance Hill, Beijing, China, on August 17, 2018.

2016 Award Winner in Merida, Mexico

Mário Figueiredo
Professor Figueiredo presented the Pierre Devijver Award Lecture during the S+SSPR Workshop in Merida, Mexico, December 1, 2016.

2012 Award Winner in Miyajima-Itsukushima, Hiroshima

George Nagy
Professor Nagy will present a talk on Estimation, Learning and Adaptation Systems at S+SSPR2012 in Miyajima-Itsukushima, Hiroshima, on November 8, 2012.

2010 Award Winner in Izmir, Turkey

Luc Devroye
Professor Devroye presented the Pierre Devijver Lecture during the S+SSPR Workshop in Izmir, Turkey, August, 2010. The title of his presentation was:

Classification and Trees

2008 Award Winner in Orlando, Florida

Tin Kam Ho
We are very happy to announce that the Pierre Devijver Award winner for 2008 is: Dr Tin Kam Ho.
She will present the Pierre Devijver Lecture during the next S+SSPR Workshop in Orlando, Florida, December 4-6, 2008. The title of her presentation was:

Data Complexity Analysis

2006 Award Winner in Hong Kong, China

Robert P.W. Duin
The 2006 Pierre Devijver Award winner was Robert P.W. Duin. He presented the Pierre Devijver Award Lecture during the Workshop on Statistical Pattern Recognition (SPR2006) in Hong Kong, Cina, 17-19 August, 2006. The title of his presentation was:

Structural inference of sensor-based measurements

2004 Award Winner in Lisbon, Portugal

Erkki Oja
The 2004 Pierre Devijver Award winner was Erkki Oja. He presented the Pierre Devijver Award Lecture during the Workshop on Statistical Pattern Recognition (SPR2004) in Lisbon, Portugal, August 18-20, 2004. The title of his presentation was:

Finding clusters and components by unsupervised learning

2002 Award Winner in Windsor, Canada

Anil K. Jain
The 2002 Pierre Devijver Award winner was Anil K. Jain. He presented the Pierre Devijver Award Lecture during the Workshop on Statistical Pattern Recognition (SPR2002) in Windsor, Canada, 6-9 August 2002. The title of his presentation was:

Fingerprint classification and matching

2000 Award Winner in Alicante, Spain

Josef Kittler
The first ever winner of this award was Josef Kittler. He presented the Award Lecture during the joint SPR&SSPR Workshop (SSSPR 2000) in Alicante, August 2000. The TC1 decision was based on his outstanding scientific work in the field. Josef Kittler has been for many years the closest scientific collaborator of Pierre Devijver. His lecture was entitled:

A Framework for Classifier Fusion: Is it still needed?

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